Friday, June 25, 2010


well i remember reading in elemntry & i started to read this book called , "love that dog". it was strictly poems ; the cool thing about it was it started from the back so basically i was reading it backwards. that book inspired me to read & write poetry. it was something i could relate to and was realistic. it made it so reading wasnt boaring anymore but fun & lookinq foward to. that their is so many different types of lessons in life i can learn from just by reading from abother persons experience. after that day i had finshed the whole entire book , & started asking for more. so until this day i still write an read poetry. reading this one book impacted my life a whole lot. just because this teacher told me to read it! that one book changed my veiwing on writting & reading. i started to see my strong points of veiwing and reasoning behind it. considered myself almost like an expert at love. this one book took my mind to a different level . i no longer hate reading but enjoy it ! its something more then just looking at words but to learn & expand my mind set . this influnced me in so many ways . reading is something i know desire !

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