Thursday, July 22, 2010

-I Ju$zt Read Guera$z $tory !

I Think It Was Really Real & Gewd because It had aLot that i Could personally Relate to Threw My Past . so i juz read her story , some kinda Love thanq . Most of the time on what happens . Cheatinq & all Tha bullshxxt . IT was about this female who fell InLove with this guy named Bob & he Cheated on her & she gave another Chance & Took Him back . The protangonist In this Love Story was Bob becuse he was the one who commited that decision . And In thee end he did chanqe because he showed reqret And emotion that he was sorry for what he did . The Writter Guera did a Great Jobb On keeping it reaLisTic on the story that she stated . Not Including that She gave Great back and Forth Conversation - I Feel That she Could Have chanqed it by addinq more on why He [BOB) did what he did ; Like adding if they had probLems before in the past or Certain Incodents Like that . BUh over all She did ah Gewd JObb on expLaininq the Story Well & Keepinq me Into it . Very ReaListic when it came down to the Point becuase Most Of the Time that is exactLy what Females do When They Love There BOyFren .

I gust read “Best friends no mater what” by my classmate Angela. I think it’s a really nice story because she is aying that I boy

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