Wednesday, June 30, 2010


the movie super size me impacted me a whole lot . like just watching the food & him eating it made me sick , my mood on eating completely went down ! made me sick to my stomach & depressed . this movies affect on me made me wanna change on the way i eat , like to flip it 180' . i cant stand another day to wanna even attempt to go eat at any fast food place . some of the scenes in this clip made me wanna just wanna turn away & stop watching . looking on the health experts & what they said made me learn alot on who i should eat , and what to watch for on foos lables . EXAMPL£→S0DA,CHiP$,£TC . but as for makinq home made food i think is better & way more healthier . the amount of calories that those amounts of greasy foods contain is riducuLous ! & its ah trip on how our society cant control there eating habits or to know [COMM£Ñ $£Ñ$£) to know what they are putting into their own bodies . pretty sad because ounce young teens cant control or have self responabliTy of ther echoices ; there mood & attitudes begin to drop in there life and also in edjucation . it showed if teens eat fruit & vegtables on a regular bases there behavior will improve dramitically on there mood an wanting to learn abilty . not only that buh having excercise threw the week . walkinq for example can help with your diet & health . i assumre that people would want to make another movie like this because it can show how fast food places are effecting society an young & older people . including to teach there childern on certain foods to not comsume much . parenting recuries this to , because if they dont follow threw to say 'NO" then it leads to there kids taking control of them . not saying that its there fault buh its some .... well to cut to tha chase another movie like this should be made for teens & adults to watch . i would want to recomend that teachers should show this video in class [*EVERY-SCH00L) . why ? well to show them if they continue ont his path then it can lead to death or really bad health problems like type 2 diabetes ! -TH£ £ÑD .

*think about ur happiness too(:

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